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by EXS
EX34710 EAN: 5027701000288

Contains 12 EXS Air Thin condoms made of top quality latex. It's all in the name! EXS Air Thin Condoms feel like you're not wearing anything at all, providing that satisfying sensation of bare skin contact between you and your partner.

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Ingredients may be altered by manufacturers, we suggest to always advise your client to check the product label carefully and to perform an allergy test before applying the product. In case of any reaction they should consult their doctor.

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Contiene 12 preservativos EXS Air Thin de látex de máxima calidad. ¡El nombre lo dice todo! Los preservativos EXS Air Thin se sienten como si no llevaras nada, proporcionando esa satisfactoria sensación de contacto con la piel desnuda entre tú y tu pareja. Apodados «los verdaderos preservativos ultrafinos», los preservativos EXS Air Thin son excepcionalmente suaves y finos. Con sólo 0,045 mm de grosor pero increíblemente resistentes, son la nueva generación de preservativos que proporcionan la máxima intimidad y la máxima seguridad. Su forma anatómica, más estrecha en la base y más ancha cerca de la punta, garantiza un ajuste perfecto que no se deslizará durante el coito. El preservativo permite un movimiento natural sin crear una desagradable sensación de constricción. Ideales para todo tipo de relaciones sexuales, los preservativos EXS Air Thin son además insípidos e inodoros. El producto está fabricado con látex natural de primera calidad y lubricado con silicona para reducir la fricción y proporcionar el máximo confort durante las relaciones sexuales. Es adecuado para personas con piel sensible. Su punta alargada especialmente diseñada evita que el preservativo se rompa.

Anchura nominal media: 56 mm. Grosor: 0,06 mm. Longitud media. 193 mm. Probado según la norma ISO 4074:2015 Marcado CE y probado de forma independiente por el British Standards Institute (BSI).


Technical specifications
Main Brand
Weight & Packaging
300 gr
13.00 cm
6.50 cm
21.00 cm

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The items presented as, Exclusive Sale on Request, are part of a selection of sought-after products but with a lower turnover, either because they are large in size or because they have some peculiarity. In order to guarantee a quality service and products in perfect condition, we chose to continue offering this type of products only with deferred delivery. You can also place them in your online store with delivery notice after purchase.


While products with immediate stock have frequent restocking, products with deferred delivery will not be available in stock until ordered by you.

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The purchase of this item is subject to certain conditions due to its location in our warehouse in Northern Europe. To ensure a quality and transparent service, we present below the conditions and advantages associated with these products.


  • Products stored outside the Iberian Peninsula are subject to a longer transit time.
  • Service subject to pre-approval.


  • Access to an even wider variety of products.
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